Friday, March 25, 2016

34 Weeks

How far along? 34 weeks. Somebody pinch me... I can't believe I'm this far along!
Total weight gain: About 22 lbs.
Maternity clothes? I'm currently on the hunt for some good under-the-belly maternity shorts. Everything I'm seeing is full panel and that is just not gonna fly in this Jacksonville heat/humidity. The shorts I'm wearing in this picture are NOT maternity, but they also are not buttoned ;) Shout out to my circus tent/drapey shirt for doing some strategic covering!
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: I still can't really complain! Daylight savings hit me HARD though and I feel like I'm still recovering... Lots of naps for this mama!
Best moment this week: My birthday was yesterday! I was spoiled rotten with gifts, flowers, a trip to the nail salon, and a delicious dinner out with my favorite guy :)
Miss Anything? More than anything, just being comfortable!
Movement: C O N S T A N T L Y. It can be a little uncomfortable sometimes, but for the most part I love it and I know I'm going to miss it once she's here!
Food cravings: I am still ALL about the chocolate milkshakes. I also cannot stop eating waffles - occasionally with peanut butter, but usually just smothered in Mrs. Butterworth syrup ;)
Labor Signs: None, although we're starting to get pretty close so maybe that will change soon!
Symptoms: Same as before.. Achey joints, "pigs in a blanket toes" as Mike so fondly calls my swollen feet, heartburn like WHOA, and just an overall sense of being uncomfortable. But I guess that's to be expected with a basketball sticking straight out of my belly :)
Belly Button in or out? Half and half! It's so weird looking! I think by the time this is over it will be all the way out.
Wedding ring on or off? Off overnight, usually back on during the day but sometimes it just doesn't happen.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Starting to feel a little anxious!
Looking forward to: My mom is coming to visit!! She will be here the first week in April and I'm looking forward to making freezer meals and finishing all the little details of the nursery! But mostly I'm just excited to see my mama :) Mike also has a three day weekend because of Easter and I will gladly take any extra time away from work with him! Hopefully we will have nice weather so we can finish painting the last piece of furniture for baby's room!

We received GREAT news at our ultrasound appointment last friday! Baby girl is officially head down (I had a sneaking suspicion she was given the fun new pain I've been feeling on my tailbone!) and we got a perfect picture of both her kidneys and they are functioning exactly as they should be! As an added bonus, my placenta issues from earlier in my pregnancy have completely resolved themselves, so everything is looking great! Baby's current estimated weight is around 5 and a half pounds and she apparently has a head full of hair :)
Happy Easter weekend everyone! :)

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