Friday, March 11, 2016

32 Weeks

So this week's chalkboard... Yeah. We don't have to talk about it. The motivation/creativity just was NOT there guys, I'm sorry! So to make up for it I thought I'd throw Lou in the picture for some added cuteness. Was he bribed with treats to sit so nicely? You'd better believe he was! ;)

How far along? 32 weeks.
Total weight gain: 19ish pounds.
Maternity clothes? Still trying not to buy anything new, but all of my tops (even the maternity tank tops I bought) are getting short! Luckily the weather is getting so warm here, I can just wear dresses instead ;)
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: Surprisingly good! And I seriously cannot get enough of it.
Best moment this week: It was just a really good week all around! Mike took some leave so we tackled a bunch of projects around the house. I'll definitely make a post about that soon, but so far we've been working on refinishing an old secretary we brought home with us from Texas, and we mounted our living room tv! On top of that I think we have officially moved into spring here in Jville.. The weather has been gorgeous and that's always enough to put me in a good mood! 
Miss Anything? We had our first 80 degree day of the year and my mind automatically jumped to sipping beers on a patio somewhere! Luckily I'll have plenty of time this summer AFTER she's born to make up for my missed patio beers :)
Movement: Oh yes! She's as busy as ever, but I can tell she's starting to run out of room in there. She still loves to hang out on my right side, and I feel a lot more big stretching movements than sharp little jabs.
Food cravings: ALL the sweets, especially chocolate milkshakes from Chick-Fil-A. I'm also crazy thirsty and chugging water constantly.
Labor Signs: Not yet.
Symptoms: Swollen fingers and lovely swollen sausage toes. Achey joints - mostly my knees, fingers, and shoulders. INSANE heartburn randomly throughout the day. And I've been nesting like crazy!
Belly Button in or out? By the end of the day it's usually poking out a little bit! For the most part though it's as flat as a pancake.
Wedding ring on or off? I am officially taking my rings off before I go to bed every night. My fingers get so swollen while I sleep that it's just too uncomfortable to keep them on :( Usually once I get up and move around a bit I'm able to get them back on pretty easily.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! 
Looking forward to: Our final ultrasound in one week! Can't wait to see our sweet girl!

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