Saturday, November 14, 2015

15 Weeks

How far along? 15 weeks + 1 day. One of these days I'll post on time ;)
Total weight gain: I haven't weighed myself recently but I have a feeling I've gained back those 3 pounds that were missing last week!
Maternity clothes? I saved a Cartwheel coupon for 25% off Liz Lange tops and 50% off a belly band so it looks like I'll be heading to Target and taking the plunge this weekend! I definitely won't fill them out yet, but I feel like I'm getting close enough.
Stretch marks? No but my belly is itching like CRAZY lately! Been slathering on belly butter like it's nobody's business.
Sleep: I woke up to the neighbors coming home late the other night but slept through Mike's work alarm this morning... So, unpredictable I guess? Still good for the most part!
Nausea: None this week.
Best moment this week: Seeing our little GIRL! She was so active during the ultrasound, I can't wait until I can actually feel my little wiggle worm!
Miss Anything? I stared longingly at the Sam Adams holiday variety pack for a few minutes at the store before settling for yet another bag of jalapeño chips.
Movement: Not yet, but hopefully soon! 
Food cravings: Bagels and cream cheese have been big this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still working on the meat thing.. But it's definitely getting better.
Have you started to show yet? There's a little bump action going on! I feel like it gets more noticeable throughout the day, and by bed time you can really tell.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: I've noticed some congestion starting this week, mostly at night. Other than that still just struggling with headaches, but they aren't happening as often so I'm hoping that was just a first trimester thing! 
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! But I can break down in tears at the drop of a hat, especially if Lou gets brought up in conversation which Mike finds absolutely hilarious.
Looking forward to: My sister Gracie will be here in just over a week and I'm so excited to spend Thanksgiving with her!!

I still can't believe we are having a little girl!!! We opted to go to a place called Jacksonville 4D Fetal Photo for an early ultrasound to determine the gender because there was NO way I could wait until my 20 week anatomy scan. Baby girl was really active the whole time - waving her arms, stretching out her little legs, doing barrel rolls - but every once in a while she would strike a pose so we could get a good look at her! We saw all of her fingers and watched her sit stubbornly with her ankles crossed, and even got a great look at her sweet little face! :)

I think she has her dad's nose :) Isn't she just perfect?!
I'm so looking forward to this weekend because we have absolutely ZERO plans other than relaxing. It's a good thing too because the following weekend (and the week after that too!) will be plenty busy! We kick things off with the Marine Corps Ball on the 21st and then the following Monday we pick my sister up from the airport to spend Thanksgiving week with us! I don't know how realistic it will be to do cartwheels of excitement through the airport with a baby belly, but you'd better believe I'm gonna try! ;)

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