Sunday, April 29, 2018

31 Weeks

Hello third trimester! Man, this pregnancy has completely flown by and I'm so excited to already be 2/3 of the way through it! Long gone are the days of weekly chalkboards and bump pictures, and that's just one of the MANY ways this pregnancy has been different than the last one. So just for fun, I'll fill out the same questionnaire from last time and then move on to a more detailed summary of the last 7 months :)

My trusty sidekick Addie is always close by ;)

How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain: Good question! I want to say around 18 lbs.
Maternity clothes? YES. This belly can hardly be contained. In addition to a bunch of maternity tank tops, I treated myself to some maternity shorts and jeans, but the whole "pants-with-buttons" thing is getting old REALLY fast.
Stretch marks? The few that I was left with around my belly button after Addie was born are definitely very visible, but nothing new yet!
Sleep: I could sleep for a week straight and it STILL wouldn't be enough! Addie is a super early riser and I only manage to sneak in naps every once in a while so I am ALWAYS tired. Luckily I have a hubby who appreciates an 8 o'clock bedtime as much as I do ;)
Best moment this week: I tagged along with a good friend to her gender reveal ultrasound and the sweet technician offered to give me a little glimpse of baby Beard while we were in there! Baby B looks exactly like his daddy, which I'm sure comes as a surprise to no one. He has perfectly chubby cheeks, a little bit of fuzzy hair, and his lips and nose are identical to Mike's. I am so in love!
Miss Anything? Uninterrupted sleep. Wine ;)
Movement: TONS. Baby boy is even busier than Addie was, and it feels like he's constantly wiggling around in there. Mike gets to feel a ton of big kicks and Addie has even started to notice some too!
Food cravings: Sweet tea. Tacos. Brownies. 
Labor Signs: I started feeling Braxton Hicks wayyy earlier this time around (and way more frequently), but that usually just means I haven't had enough water. Other than that, no signs at all.
Symptoms: Heartburn, sore hips & back, stuffy nose. So much fun!
Belly Button in or out? Out and proud ;)
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time! I find myself having to dig pretty deep for some extra patience when the dogs track mud through the house or Addie throws a tantrum, but for the most part I am loving life right now!
Looking forward to: I have an OB appointment on Thursday that I'm looking forward to! It's just a regular check up, but I always like to make sure things are going well with our little guy :)

Not the highest quality screen shot I've ever taken... but LOOK AT HIM! :)

I think I may have mentioned this already, but this pregnancy has been SO different than my first one. My pregnancy with Addie was about as easy as it gets - very minimal nausea in the beginning, tons of energy, very few sleep issues, I could go on and on! I think the worst part of the whole thing was going 8 days past my due date, but even that wasn't TOO terrible. This time around things have been completely different! I won't go into a ton of details because that would just turn into a paragraph of me whining and nobody wants to read that..

But I will say that I experienced a lot more nausea, a couple nasty sinus infections (probably courtesy of my germ-y toddler), and a reeeeally unfortunate case of food poisoning... Yikes. About halfway through the second trimester I started to feel some relief from the constant nausea and now it's almost completely gone! This pregnancy hasn't been all bad though... I haven't struggled with any specific food aversions like I did with Addie, and we (both Mike and I) were able to feel movement way earlier! 

First trimester feels. All the snuggles. All the sleepy eyes.
I think the biggest difference between this pregnancy and the last is probably the most obvious... Addie! When I was pregnant with her, I had the luxury of sleeping in every day, napping whenever I wanted, laying on the couch watching tv whenever I wanted.. You get the picture. When I was pregnant with Addie I felt more exhausted than I ever thought was possible, but I had NO idea what I was really in for! It's crazy and draining and sometimes frustrating, but I'm so excited for Addie to be a big sister and I know it will all be so worth it when our sweet boy is here!

Already working on her big sister skills! Snuggles are a top priority around here.

Speaking of miss Addie... She is dangerously close to turning 2 and I am all kinds of emotional about it! She is so full of personality and I can't wait to share an update on her soon :) 

Only 9 (ish) weeks left until we get to meet our baby boy!! I can't wait! Oh, and if you are at all interested in comparing, you can find the original 31 week post here!

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