Saturday, April 15, 2017

Addison Grace - 11 Months

Weight: About 23 pounds.
Length: Maybe 30 inches? I didn't get a chance to measure her :)
Wearing: A mixture of 12 month and 18 month clothes & size 5 diapers.
Likes: Pushing her shopping cart around the house, swimming lessons, eating pouches, yelling, clapping and grabbing other people's hands to make them clap, reading books (and turning the pages by herself!), listening to music and dancing, getting thrown up high in the air by daddy!
Dislikes: Cutting teeth - can you blame her?

My two sidekicks! ;) 
Addie is usually nursing about 4 times a day and once over night. She's finally getting through her picky phase and is willing to try more and more foods! She's still loving scrambled eggs, cheese, and black beans the most. She won't let me feed her anymore, so I mix her yogurt with fruit or veggie puree and a little whole milk in a cup and she drinks it through a straw like a smoothie! Some of her other current favorites are shredded turkey, peaches, and pancakes with peanut butter.

We had a really good sleep thing going for a while until Addie's top teeth starting making their appearance! She had finally started sleeping through the night and was taking two solid naps every day for a couple of weeks! Since her teeth starting poking through, sleep has regressed a little bit, and I think Addie may be in the process of transitioning from 2 naps to 1, but overall she's sleeping pretty well and I can't complain!

A good shot of those pesky teeth that have been disturbing our sleep lately! 
Addie has been on the move nonstop this month! She figured out how to pull up on any and everything, and her chunky little legs are strong enough that she's started cruising around on them! She has a little shopping cart toy she loves to push around, but she's also been known to support herself with a full laundry basket, an unopened box of diapers, and even her high chair. The girl just wants to go, go, go! Now that she spends most of her waking hours standing up, she's starting to figure out how to balance on her own but she's not quite there yet. She also loves to "dance" so I keep all different kinds of music playing throughout the day. Reading books is also one of her favorite activities and she likes to point at things on the pages and then turn the page all by herself. We're still doing swimming lessons and she's absolutely loving them! I can't wait until our neighborhood pool opens at the end of next month :)

We are officially less than one month away from my baby's first birthday and I can hardly believe it! I've been planning her party for what feels like forever, but I've finally started putting it all together and I'm getting so excited! 

Up next for the Beards: Addie's first Easter! Due to some scheduling conflicts with work, Mike won't be able to celebrate with us tomorrow, but we have some fun plans with friends in the neighborhood! I put together Easter baskets a little early this year so that Mike and Addie could open theirs together, so I'll be sure to share that too!

Happy Easter weekend everybody! :)

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