Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Addison Grace - 7 Months

Better late than never, right? ;)
It's been such a crazy few weeks - the holidays are SO fun with a baby, but they fly by so fast!

Weight: 19.4 lbs
Length: 27.5 in
Wearing: 6-9/6-12 month clothing & size 4 diapers.
Likes: Growling, Lou & the cats, jumping in her jumper, pulling mommy's hair, bath time, swinging at the park, and her daddy :)
Dislikes: Getting dressed, having her nose wiped, taking naps! ;)

Addie is still breastfeeding and still eating about every 2-3 hours, although it tends to be closer to 3 hours most days, and some times she'll even go 4. Addie hasn't been a big fan of solids so far, so we aren't really pushing it, but still offering when she seems interested! So far her favorites have been mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, and banana slices rolled in crushed up Ritz crackers (the crackers keep the bananas from getting as slimy, and give her a better grip). She also loves gnawing on celery! Addie is still a huge fan of her sippy cup, but she mostly just likes chewing on the top. Chewing is at an all time high recently, because our girl finally got some teeth! On Thanksgiving day, her first tooth popped through, and the second one followed about a week and half later. So stinkin' cute and SO sharp!

Still a bit of a mess. Bed time is 6:45, over night she usually wakes up 2-3 times, and she wakes up for the day between 5:30-6:30. Naps are still pretty erratic as well, but her first nap of the day is definitely the best one! Addie is suddenly a much bigger fan of the car seat, and a lot of times a drive through the neighborhood will knock her out, so she's taken quite a few car naps lately! 

Addie has become so independent recently! She loves to sit on her play mat and pull toys out of her toy basket, and as long as I'm visible, she's totally content on her own! She's also becoming such a curious little baby, and will crane her neck to look at things over my shoulder. Peek-a-boo has become one of her favorite games, and she prefers that we hide behind something and pop out to say 'peek-a-boo' so that she can look around for us when we disappear. Her favorite activity at the moment is probably pulling my hair, followed closely by banging toys together :) Our sweet girl is so fun and silly, I love seeing her personality come through more as she gets older!

Addison is as busy as ever, and she's equally as stubborn! She's still not rolling from back to belly or crawling, but will scoot around while she's sitting to get to what she wants. She FINALLY let out a real belly laugh exactly one week before she turned 7 months, but she's been pretty stingy with them every since. Lots of smiles, plenty of happy squeals, but we have to work hard for a real laugh! In addition to laughing, Addie makes so many different (and adorable) sounds and it seems like she makes a new one every day! Blowing raspberries is a big hit right now, as is growling, and she especially loves when Mike makes silly sounds back at her.

Next up, I'll be sharing our first Christmas as a family of three! I hope you're all enjoying your holidays as much as we have been! :)

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