Thursday, July 14, 2016

Addison Grace - Two Months

Didn't I just finish Addison's 1 month post?? That's certainly what it feels like! Our baby girl is getting so big and changing so much every single day! Let's dive right in...

Weight: 10lbs 11oz
Length: 22.7 inches
Head Circumference: 39 cm
Wearing: Mostly size 0-3 month clothes & size 1 diapers
Likes: Eating, her bouncy seat, bath time, her mobile, taking walks with Lou, snuggling with her daddy
Dislikes: The car seat

Addie typically eats every 2-3 hours during the day, and overnight she goes 3-6 hours. After two rounds of mastitis & weaning off of the nipple shield, breastfeeding is going SO much better for us! She's a great eater and will easily transition to a bottle and back with no confusion. It's hard to know exactly how much she takes in when she nurses, but she will usually take about 3-3.5 ounces of pumped milk from a bottle.

Addie is still *usually* a great night sleeper, and she's getting better with her naps during the day. She typically goes down for the night around 10/11 and is up for the day by 7:30/8:30, waking two times overnight to eat. During the day, it's pretty hit or miss but recently (read: the past week) she's been going down for a 2-3 hour nap in the morning. After that it's mostly cat naps for the rest of the day (although I can occasionally get her to go down for a second solid nap) and I always debate whether or not to be productive in those 30 minute increments. Spoiler alert: Usually I just let her sleep in my arms and stare at her instead of doing anything productive ;)

Her favorite place to sleep is on her daddy's shoulder!

Anyone who meets Addie always comments on how alert she is, and it's true! When she's awake during the day her eyes are wide open and she's ready to take it all in. She loves when we just walk around the house with her up over our shoulder so she can practice holding her head up and looking around at everything. She really likes things that make crinkling sounds (one of the dangling toys on her play mat, the knob that turns to wind up her mobile) and will turn her head to look when she hears the sound. She also loves to watch her mobile spin and the little stuffed kitty that dangles over her bouncer. She's started cooing and making more sounds and she loves to sit in our laps and "talk" back and forth with us.

My girl is so strong!

This second month with our girl has been so great because she's really starting to be fun! She smiled her first smile (at her daddy, of course) right before she turned 1 month, and now she smiles all the time! She isn't a super fussy baby, but girlfriend definitely has a dramatic side already and a SERIOUS pouty lip! If she's not happy for any reason she will stick that bottom lip out as far as it will go and that quickly turns into the most pitiful little wail you've ever heard. Of course we never want to hear our baby cry, but the drama really cracks us up sometimes :)

I mean, really. The drama. And those cheeks!

July has, and will continue to be, a pretty busy month for us! Mike's dad and his wife visited for about a week at the very beginning of the month and helped us pull off a fun cookout for the 4th! Mike's mom Carolyn gets here later tonight and will stay for a long weekend and we can't wait for her to meet Addie! Right after she leaves, my dad will be back out here for a longer visit and hopefully some beach time! Once he leaves, my head will be spinning over the fact that July is almost over, and we will hunker down and focus on soaking up as much family time (just the 3 of us) as we can before Mike's training begins mid-August. 

My perfect little partner in crime! :)

But for the rest of today, we're just taking it easy because my poor girl had to get her 2 month shots :( Time for lots of snuggles!

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