Friday, February 26, 2016

30 Weeks

How far along? 30 weeks.
Total weight gain: The "official" number given to me at my last appointment was 17 pounds. 
Maternity clothes? Mixing and matching what I can out of my pre-preggo wardrobe. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm starting to get tired of wearing leggings every day! So I've used the hair-tie-through-the-button-hole trick on some pairs of jeans, and I wear maxi skirts and dresses as often as the weather will allow for it!
Stretch marks?  Nope :)
Sleep: Pretty unpredictable. Sometimes great, sometimes terrible, but when it's good it's like the best sleep ever! I've had a big burst of random energy lately so I try to keep myself as busy as I can during the day.. The more worn out I get the better I know I'll sleep!
Best moment this week: I had a really fun weekend with my dad and I got my hubby back from training!
Miss Anything? You know what goes really well with spring cleaning? WINE.
Movement: She's as busy as ever! I was advised to start kick counts at my last appointment (looking for at least 10 in an hour) and she makes it so easy! I also get lots of "alien belly" moments which is really fun to be able to share with Mike :) Super weird to see your belly move from the inside, but so cool!
Food cravings: I am still craving sweets like crazy. I've been able to curb some of those cravings with fruit, but an apple can only take the place of a chocolate milkshake for so long... ;)
Labor Signs: I experienced my first Braxton Hicks the other day. Weird, but I haven't felt any more since.
Symptoms: Really just struggling with aches and pains, mostly in my knees and mid/lower back.
Belly Button in or out? Flatter than ever, but I guess still technically in. 
Wedding ring on or off? On, but definitely tight first thing when I wake up and again in the evenings. Once I'm up and moving around during the day it fits normally though.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: I have my final ultrasound coming up in 3 weeks and I'm SO excited to see our little girl! I'm also pretty excited for our weekly countdown to get down into the single digits :)

Last week was absolute madness so I didn't get a chance to draw a chalkboard, take a belly picture, or even really look at the blog! Luckily, life is mostly back to normal this week and I got a chance to catch up :)

My dad was supposed to arrive last Friday night, but thanks to some terrible weather in Chicago, he was delayed several times and ended up driving into Jacksonville on Saturday morning. We picked him up a base pass for his rental car and stopped by the house to say hello to Lou, and then we jumped right into our fun filled weekend! We took advantage of the gorgeous weather and spent lots of time outside, ate lots of great food (of course), and did a ton of shopping for baby! Did I manage to take any pictures? Of course not, but that just means we were too busy having a good time, right? One of my favorite parts of his trip was visiting Wilmington on Sunday. Not only did we pick out the PERFECT chair for baby's nursery, I also got a completely unexpected call from Mike while we were at the La-Z-Boy store!

Mike returned from training earlier than expected and got to spend a little bit of time with my dad before he left on Monday morning which was a really great surprise for all three of us! I still can't really go into the specifics of what he's been up to, but I can say that he successfully completed the training he was doing and now gets to move on to some additional training at the end of the summer! I'm so incredibly proud of him and I'm excited about this new work opportunity for him, but I'm really glad that we get to spend the next 6ish months focusing on each other and on baby! :)

Speaking of baby, I have a quick update on her progress from my most recent appointment.. My belly is measuring dead on and I've managed to catch up enough weight wise without going overboard, so my doctor was really pleased with that! Her heartbeat was nice and strong at 150 bpm and our little wiggle worm is as busy as ever! Our ultrasound in three weeks will hopefully give us a nice clear view of her kidneys so we can be sure they're doing what they're supposed to, and my fingers are EXTRA crossed that my placenta has moved up so we can cross that off our list of things to worry about. I took the dreaded glucose test at my last appointment and while the drink wasn't too bad going down, I felt SO terrible for the next couple hours afterwards. Once I was able to get home and stuff a cream cheese smothered bagel in my face, I felt a lot better ;) When it comes to these kinds of tests at the Naval Hospital, no news is good news, and since I haven't received a call from the lab I assume that means I'm in the clear for gestational diabetes! Of course I'll confirm this at my next appointment, but I'm really not worried about it at all. I finally wrapped up the appointment by heading back to the OB clinic to receive my first RhIg injection. More info about that can be found HERE, but basically because Mike has a positive blood type and I have a negative blood type, precautions have to be taken incase baby girl has a positive blood type. Not a huge deal, just more excuses for me to get poked and prodded! ;)

Coming up for the Beards... Lots of laid back days with the hubby! We have a fun date planned for Sunday, but other than that we'll be alternating between completing a few projects around the house and spending lazy days snuggling on the couch :) Happy Friday!!

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