Saturday, January 16, 2016

24 Weeks

How far along? 24 weeks + 1 day.
Total weight gain: Still about 8 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Still haven't purchased anything new, but with spring clothes starting to make their appearance in stores I'll be on the hunt for some cute dresses!
Stretch marks? Nope! But a dangerously shallow belly button...
Sleep: Still good! I usually only wake up once or twice overnight and I don't have any trouble falling back asleep. My dreams have been so weird and random, and a couple nights ago I was shouting in my sleep and woke Mike up - definitely not normal for me!
Nausea: None. In fact, I feel like I'm hungry ALL the time! I guess that's what happens when baby starts packing on pounds of her own!
Best moment this week: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week, Mike was heading into work much later in the morning than he usually does - checking in at 8 am instead of 5 or 6 - so I got up with him each of those mornings so we could have coffee and eat breakfast together and it was such a treat! I love having the extra minutes with him before he heads out the door :)
Miss Anything? I saw a Sam Adams commercial the other day and they mentioned their Summer Ale and I haven't been able to stop thinking about how delicious that will taste in a cold glass this summer! YUM!
Movement: All the time! And hiccups on the regular now as well! Our sweet girl is a mover and a shaker ;)
Food cravings: Still donuts. Our commissary sells two packs of Krispy Kreme chocolate iced glazed donuts and I. CAN'T. STOP. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! Pretty much the opposite :)
Labor Signs: None so far and hoping it stays that way for a while!
Symptoms: Tons of movement. Congestion - mostly at night which leads to some really attractive mouth breathing. Super sore feet and hips which leads to Mike's favorite - the preggo waddle! He thinks it's hilarious, and he's not entirely wrong ;)
Belly Button in or out? Still in, but I'm not sure how long that will last!
Wedding ring on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Spending the weekend relaxing with my busy hubby! :)

In non-baby news... I finally cut my hair! My sister Gracie took the plunge a few months ago and chopped off hers and I've been so jealous! I've been on Pinterest searching out pictures of 'lobs' (long bobs) until I finally worked up the courage to make an appointment and I'm so glad I did! So here it is, my version of the mom haircut ;)

Other than that I have nothing big to share for the week. I'm still slowly piecing together baby items and the thing I'm obsessively reading online reviews for lately is a good jogging stroller. Any recommendations mamas?? I have my eye on the BOB Revolution, but I'm still researching! But all of that is being put aside for now so I can enjoy the weekend with my wonderful hubby. I wish he got a three day weekend for MLK day, but I'll take what I can get! ;)

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