Friday, December 18, 2015

20 Weeks

How far along? 20 weeks. I can't believe I'm halfway through!
Total weight gain: About 2.5 lbs.
Maternity clothes? I'm hoping that while we're in Texas I can find some good stuff! There's a way better selection of stores, so I'm looking forward to doing a little shopping :)
Stretch marks? Nope! But the spot where my belly button ring used to be is making me a little nervous.. The skin is getting so tight right there!
Sleep: I really can't complain. I wake up a few times during the night, but that wasn't uncommon for me before I got pregnant.
Nausea: Nope! Feeling good :)
Best moment this week: The anatomy scan yesterday! Any time that we get to see our little wiggle worm is so great, and yesterday we were reassured that she's growing just like she's supposed to!
Miss Anything? Nothing much, but after packing all day I really wouldn't mind kicking back with a beer right now ;)
Movement: YES! Last night, out of no where, I was suddenly feeling tons of movement. It sort of felt like a little fish was swimming around in my belly and every once in a while the fish would throw out little jabs. She even kicked hard enough for Mike to feel a few times! I'm really looking forward to going to bed tonight so I can feel some more kicks after I lie down :)
Food cravings: Nothing really consistent except that I want ALL the Diet Coke.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Have you started to show yet? Yes! And I'm excited to show off the belly to our families over the next couple weeks :)
Labor Signs: Nope.
Symptoms: Same as before. Headaches, weird little cramps and pains especially in my lower belly, getting winded at the mere thought of physical activity.
Belly Button in or out? In, but looking a little shallow!
Wedding ring on or off? On and fitting just fine!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but easily frustrated/annoyed. Trying not to lose my temper over silly stuff and only semi-succeeding.
Looking forward to: Our upcoming trip! Not necessarily spending three days in the car, but being with our families once we get there! :)

First of all, I want to wish the happiest of birthdays to my wonderful hubby! I've never met anyone who works harder, cares more, or is a better snuggler than you :) I feel incredibly lucky to be your wife, and our daughter is exceptionally lucky to have you as her dad! I love you like crazy and I hope that 25 is your best year yet!

We had the big anatomy scan yesterday which I've been counting down to for weeks! It was amazing to see how much our little girl has grown since we last saw her at 15 weeks, and to see that she's still just as active as always! We got to see her spine, her brain, and her sweet little face - looking just like her daddy! Her heart was beating strong at 150 bpm and she's weighing in at around 11 oz. I'm scheduled for an extra ultrasound (yay!) at 33 weeks just to check up on my placenta (it was lying a little too low for their liking) and baby girl's kidneys because she gave us such a hard time trying to get an image of them, stubborn little thing! But overall she seems to be completely perfect and we are thankful for an extra opportunity to see her sweet little self again before she is born! 

This week is just full of big stuff for us! Mike's birthday, anatomy scan, and tomorrow we are heading to Texas y'all! I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off all day, but I think the real challenge is going to be fitting everything in the back of the car! Between Lou's crate, our huge cooler full of snacks, and the suitcases that I will be sure to over pack (like I always do), it's going to be a tight squeeze! Our first stop will be at the house of some good friends of ours who live just outside of Atlanta. We haven't seen them since New Year's last year when them came to stay with us, so it will be great to catch up with them and it will be a nice way to split up all the time on the road!

Unfortunately, there's no room for the chalkboard in the car, but my laptop is coming along so I'll do my best to update on the road. Wish us luck! ;)

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