Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Addison Grace - 9 Months

Weight: 21.5 lbs
Length: 28ish in? It's basically impossible to measure this wiggle worm!
Wearing: 9-12 month clothes and size 4 diapers.
Likes: giving herself kisses in the mirror, reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, playing in the tub, eating yogurt, riding in the shopping cart, Lou and the cats, pointing at things, pinching mommy's face, looking out the windows when we're riding in the car, hanging out with daddy.
Dislikes: being fed (she prefers to do it herself), getting dressed.

We love it when daddy makes it home in time to read bed time stories! :)
Addie is nursing about 5 times during the day plus once or twice over night, and also eating 2-3 solid meals! Her favorite foods right now are scrambled eggs, shredded cheese, and black beans and she absolutely LOVES yogurt! She's also a pretty big fan of peanut butter, but prefers to eat little bits of it off of our fingers ;) We pretty much let her try anything she seems interested in, as long as it's not too spicy. She's not a huge fan of most meats or veggies yet, but I've been sneaking veggie purees in with her yogurt and since she's still nursing so much, I know she's getting all the nutrients she needs from that! 

Addie usually sleeps from about 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., waking once or twice over night to nurse and snuggle. I would LOVE to drop one of those over night wake ups, and we're working on it! But her over night sleep has improved so much in the last two months, that I'm pretty happy with how things are for now. Her naps are starting to be a bit more consistent, and she typically takes a 30-45 minute nap in the morning and a 1.5-2 hour nap in the afternoon. When we made the push from 3 naps down to 2, I started loosely following the 2-3-4 schedule and it's been working really well so far! Of course, I do my best to follow Addie's cues over a rigid schedule, but on most days the 2-3-4 set up works really well for us!

Our girl is as independent as ever and she has been so wild this month! She loves the sound of her own voice and will sing (read: yell) while she's playing, riding in the car, cruising in the shopping cart.. Pretty much whenever and wherever! She's been playing with a lot of new sounds lately too, like smacking her lips and the occasional "da-da", and is combining lots of sounds together to make little sentences of baby gibberish - so cute! She's as obsessed as ever with Lou and the cats, and they are incredibly patient with her not-so-gentle "pets" and when she yells in their faces. Lou follows her every where and will spend most of his day laying next to her on the play mat, sniffing her toys, giving her kisses, and hoping for a belly scratch or two. Speaking of her play mat, Addie spends a lot of time on there scooting around and playing with her toys. She loves to shake things and bang them together or on the floor, and she loves anything that makes noise or music. We also love to spend a lot of time outside, and we walk Lou around the neighborhood almost every day and try to stop by the park to swing as much as we can!

Addie is incredibly curious and she loves to observe her surroundings and take in every detail! She's been riding in the shopping cart for the past couple months, but as time goes on I notice her paying closer and closer attention to everything going on around her in the store and she LOVES to people watch a.k.a. creep. We recently upgraded her to a convertible car seat (we chose the Graco 4ever), and I love peeking in the head rest mirror to watch her looking out the windows as we drive around town. The funniest new habit she's picked up is that when she's looking at something she finds really interesting, she'll turn her head completely to the side and lean over so she can really get a good look! So cute and so hilarious!

I'm so blown away that my sweet baby is 9 months old! I feel like I say this every month, but life with Addie just keeps getting more and more fun and I really feel like the majority of our days are great days! We've fallen into a great routine, her sleep is getting better and better, and her personality shines through more every day :)

Next up for the Beards - I'll share our low key Valentine's Day (spoiler alert: it involves breakfast for dinner and an early bed time) and some of those house projects that I promised in Addie's last update ;)

Happy Valentine's Day friends! :)

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