Height: 27ish in
Wearing: 3-6 month clothing and size 4 diapers
Bradley is started spacing out his feedings a bit this month! He is still breast feeding, but is going closer to 3 hours between each feeding instead of 2 hours on the dot. He's showing a big interest in solid foods, and although we haven't started him on any yet I'm excited to see how much he chows down when we do!
Sleep has been a MESS this month. The 4 month sleep regression hit us in full force and brought with it a boycott of naps and tons of overnight wake ups. Things are starting to get better, but for a while there I was one exhausted mama. Naps are tough at this age because he's not quite ready for long stretches of awake time yet, and Addie's school schedule makes it tough to get him on any kind of routine first thing of the morning, so then the afternoons are totally thrown off too. I know that once he gets just a little older we can move towards the 2-3-4 schedule that worked so well with Addie! But for now it's lots of 30 minute naps in the car or in my lap and we're just taking what we can get!
Little man has become so engaged over the past month! He is still so happy and smiles at the drop of a hat. He loves toys that crinkle, grabbing his toes, and when his sister sings to him. He's also a big fan of "petting" the cats, giving open mouth kisses to Lou, and snuggling with mommy! Bradley has completely mastered rolling from his tummy to his back, which makes tummy time a little difficult since he just flips right over, and he officially rolled from back to tummy by himself last week but hasn't done it again since.
Going from 4 to 5 months has been a little rough, but I remember it was the same way with Addie. Lots of growing, a big mental leap, and some sleep issues just tend to make for a grumpy baby! But if I'm being honest, Brad's version of grumpy is really not that bad at all! So we're just sticking to our routines, having lots of extra snuggles, and crossing our fingers that some sort of predictable sleep routine is in our near future ;)
This post is a bit short, but it's because we are prepping for a very exciting holiday trip! For some reason we lost our minds and decided that a cross-country road trip to Colorado would be a great idea this year and we are equal parts excited and anxious about this big undertaking. Bradley is still pretty unsure about his car seat most of the time and Addison is your typical active toddler, so while we're pretty sure the drive is going to be a little rough, we know the trip will be 100% worth it!
Next up for the Beards: We will make the crazy trek to Colorado and enjoy the holidays with family! As if this trip isn't crazy enough, Mike is gearing up for a deployment shortly after the new year! There's definitely a lot going on, but that means we have a whole lot to look forward to as well! Wish us luck! :)
6 Months
Weight: 18 lbs 9 oz (half a pound more than his sister at this age!)
Height: 27 in
Wearing: 6-9 month clothing and size 4/5 diapers (depending on the brand)
Bradley is still nursing every 2-3 hours during the day and anywhere from 1-6 times over night (yes, seriously. more on that later!). We have been anxiously waiting for him to show all signs of readiness so that we can introduce solids and he is finally ready! I have a feeling he's going to LOVE solids and I can't wait to get started! It may feel like Brad is nursing A LOT, but he is very efficient and can finish a "meal" in 5-10 minutes, and the spit up situation is finally under control!
Sleep has been an absolute NIGHTMARE. I think that between the 3 day road trip (both ways), time zone changes, teething issues, and being totally thrown off schedule, little man just decided to completely boycott sleep. While we were in Colorado things were really rough for most of the trip, but now that we're home and back on track schedule-wise, he's starting to settle back down! I'm aiming to get him on the 2-3-4 schedule that we transitioned Addie to at this age and I'm hoping that once his naps are more consistent (read: longer than 30 minutes) that his night time sleep will start to fall into place as well! The 2-3-4 schedule was a game changer for Addie once she figured it out, so my fingers are crossed for a similar result with Brad. Basically, it's 2 naps a day - the first nap starts 2 hours after waking for the day, then the second nap starts 3 hours after waking from the first nap, and finally bed time is 4 hours after waking from the second nap. Cross your fingers, say a prayer, or send some sleepy dust our way because mama is TIRED.
Bradley has been a busy guy this past month! He smiles and laughs more than ever - and thank goodness because if he's not gonna sleep then I need SOMETHING to keep me going! He is sitting up totally on his own for about 30-60 seconds at a time, and is a total rockstar at tummy time! He can roll both ways, but likes to pretend he can't so that someone will pick him up instead. He loves to chew on sweatshirt strings, his right thumb, and his socks. His favorite songs are Jingle Bells and Baby Beluga and he absolutely prefers that Addie sing them to him over anyone else. He is completely fascinated with the cats and will gladly open his mouth super wide for some kisses from Lou. He despises being in the car or the stroller, but will happily hang out in the Ergo carrier all day long. He is a huge fan of playing peekaboo, and is the most ticklish baby I've ever met!
Bradley's 6th month was absolutely insane from start to finish, but even with all of the traveling, the teething, and the lack of sleep, he was still our happy little man and we've had so much fun watching his personality totally blossom. His first tooth finally popped through on January 4th, and the second followed shortly after. I'm going to miss his huge gummy smiles, but I know they'll probably be even cuter with two little teeth poking up! And speaking of cute, little man's red hair is still sticking around and his eyes are the most beautiful shade of bright blue (like his daddy). He is the most handsome little man and my heart just explodes every time his face lights up in one of those big ol' grins!
Next up for the Beards: Honestly? Nothing too exciting. Now that the holidays are over, we're just excited to settle back into our normal routine and relax for a while. I guess the next big thing on the horizon is Valentine's Day, which definitely means heart shaped pancakes for breakfast (and maybe dinner too) and some fun homemade treats for Addie's classmates! Other than that, you can find us desperately attempting to catch up on laundry, and enjoying all the snuggles we possibly can :)
I hope you all enjoyed your holidays as much as we did! Recap post coming soon! :)
This post is a bit short, but it's because we are prepping for a very exciting holiday trip! For some reason we lost our minds and decided that a cross-country road trip to Colorado would be a great idea this year and we are equal parts excited and anxious about this big undertaking. Bradley is still pretty unsure about his car seat most of the time and Addison is your typical active toddler, so while we're pretty sure the drive is going to be a little rough, we know the trip will be 100% worth it!
Next up for the Beards: We will make the crazy trek to Colorado and enjoy the holidays with family! As if this trip isn't crazy enough, Mike is gearing up for a deployment shortly after the new year! There's definitely a lot going on, but that means we have a whole lot to look forward to as well! Wish us luck! :)
6 Months
Weight: 18 lbs 9 oz (half a pound more than his sister at this age!)
Height: 27 in
Wearing: 6-9 month clothing and size 4/5 diapers (depending on the brand)
Bradley is still nursing every 2-3 hours during the day and anywhere from 1-6 times over night (yes, seriously. more on that later!). We have been anxiously waiting for him to show all signs of readiness so that we can introduce solids and he is finally ready! I have a feeling he's going to LOVE solids and I can't wait to get started! It may feel like Brad is nursing A LOT, but he is very efficient and can finish a "meal" in 5-10 minutes, and the spit up situation is finally under control!
Sleep has been an absolute NIGHTMARE. I think that between the 3 day road trip (both ways), time zone changes, teething issues, and being totally thrown off schedule, little man just decided to completely boycott sleep. While we were in Colorado things were really rough for most of the trip, but now that we're home and back on track schedule-wise, he's starting to settle back down! I'm aiming to get him on the 2-3-4 schedule that we transitioned Addie to at this age and I'm hoping that once his naps are more consistent (read: longer than 30 minutes) that his night time sleep will start to fall into place as well! The 2-3-4 schedule was a game changer for Addie once she figured it out, so my fingers are crossed for a similar result with Brad. Basically, it's 2 naps a day - the first nap starts 2 hours after waking for the day, then the second nap starts 3 hours after waking from the first nap, and finally bed time is 4 hours after waking from the second nap. Cross your fingers, say a prayer, or send some sleepy dust our way because mama is TIRED.
Bradley has been a busy guy this past month! He smiles and laughs more than ever - and thank goodness because if he's not gonna sleep then I need SOMETHING to keep me going! He is sitting up totally on his own for about 30-60 seconds at a time, and is a total rockstar at tummy time! He can roll both ways, but likes to pretend he can't so that someone will pick him up instead. He loves to chew on sweatshirt strings, his right thumb, and his socks. His favorite songs are Jingle Bells and Baby Beluga and he absolutely prefers that Addie sing them to him over anyone else. He is completely fascinated with the cats and will gladly open his mouth super wide for some kisses from Lou. He despises being in the car or the stroller, but will happily hang out in the Ergo carrier all day long. He is a huge fan of playing peekaboo, and is the most ticklish baby I've ever met!
Bradley's 6th month was absolutely insane from start to finish, but even with all of the traveling, the teething, and the lack of sleep, he was still our happy little man and we've had so much fun watching his personality totally blossom. His first tooth finally popped through on January 4th, and the second followed shortly after. I'm going to miss his huge gummy smiles, but I know they'll probably be even cuter with two little teeth poking up! And speaking of cute, little man's red hair is still sticking around and his eyes are the most beautiful shade of bright blue (like his daddy). He is the most handsome little man and my heart just explodes every time his face lights up in one of those big ol' grins!
Next up for the Beards: Honestly? Nothing too exciting. Now that the holidays are over, we're just excited to settle back into our normal routine and relax for a while. I guess the next big thing on the horizon is Valentine's Day, which definitely means heart shaped pancakes for breakfast (and maybe dinner too) and some fun homemade treats for Addie's classmates! Other than that, you can find us desperately attempting to catch up on laundry, and enjoying all the snuggles we possibly can :)
I hope you all enjoyed your holidays as much as we did! Recap post coming soon! :)
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