Well I made the mistake of blinking and an entire month flew by again! It's hard to believe that my sweet little man is a third of a year old already! It seems like yesterday that I was still hugely pregnant and waiting for him to arrive, but at the same time I can hardly remember what life was like without him. Here's an update on our happy little guy:
Weight: 16 lbs 10 oz
Height: 25.75 in
Wearing: 6 month clothes and size 4 diapers
Bradley is obviously a great eater :) He is starting to eat with less frequency during the day, but still nursing about 8 times from when he starts his day to when he goes to sleep. He's a very efficient but MESSY eater, and you can usually find him with a big milky grin on his face! The spit up situation is continuing to improve, but some days are worse than others. I'm definitely looking forward to the day that he outgrows that for good!
Brad is a pretty decent sleeper for his age and he has officially moved into the crib in his own room! He usually takes one great nap in the afternoon (1.5-2 hrs) and then will cat nap in the car or the swing in the mornings and evenings. His over-night sleep isn't super consistent yet, but bedtime is usually around 7 and he starts his day around 6:30. Some nights he'll only wake up once (around 3:30 or 4) to nurse, but other nights he's up every 3ish hours. Either way, pretty decent for a 4 month old!
Bradley is still such a happy little man! He has the biggest, gummiest smile and the squeakiest little laugh. He is super chatty and makes all kinds of different noises from sweet coos to loud shrieks, and loves to talk back and forth with us! He's great at tummy time and can roll from tummy to back on occasion, but would much rather be standing in somebody's lap. We spend a lot of time practicing sitting up, but he still has a ways to go before perfecting that skill - mostly he just folds over like a taco. He's getting really good at grabbing toys and stuffing them in his mouth! Some of his favorites are Sophie the giraffe and the little toucan toy we took off of his activity mat. He absolutely loves kisses from Lou, but Addie is the one who always makes him laugh the hardest!
In other Bradley news: He has graduated from the infant car seat to the convertible seat (a Graco 4Ever to match his sister) and it has slightly improved his hatred of being in the car! But only slightly. I'm also pretty sure that he's working on cutting his first tooth! I can see where it's going to eventually break through his gums, so hopefully we can get through that quickly and mostly pain free for him! Brad is the snuggliest baby and I think he would be content if we just cuddled on the couch all day long - totally different than Addison was as a baby, but I am loving it! Speaking of Addison, she officially turns two and a half this week, and I can't wait to share an update on our big, beautiful girl!
Up next for the Beards: We're gearing up for our big Thanksgiving celebration! We are hosting again this year (for the 6th year in a row!) and it's even more special because BOTH of my sisters will be in town to spend the day with us! It is pretty rare to get all 3 of us in the same place at the same time these days, and while both of them have been out to North Carolina to visit, they've never been out here at the same time! To say I'm excited would be a huge understatement! :)
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