Sunday, September 23, 2018

Bradley Steele - 2 Months

Apologies for the delay on this post! I had it all typed up about 2 weeks ago and then Florence decided to roll into town and derail all of our plans for a while... But more on that later!

Weight: 12 lbs 8 oz
Height: 23.75 in
Wearing: 0-3 month clothes and size 2 diapers

Little man is a great eater, if you couldn't tell ;) He eats about every 2 hours during the day and then usually once or twice over night. He's a much more efficient eater than Addie was at this age, which is nice, but we're still dealing with lots of spit up!

Bradley is also a pretty great sleeper so far! He is awake for about an hour at a time during the day and then likes to snooze in his swing for 30-60 minutes at a time. He's ready for bed around 9 pm and then starts his day around 7 am with one or two wake ups to nurse in between.

Like I mentioned above, Brad LOVES his swing and likes to watch the mobile spin around while he sits in it. He's got a pretty strong neck and legs and likes to "stand" in our laps. He's still a big fan of baths and is starting to really enjoy his activity mat as well. He loves watching and listening to his big sister, and is a huge fan of kisses from all of us - Lou included! :)

It's crazy how much Bradley is like Addison in some ways, and then completely different in others! For example, Brad has a super strong neck and has been very alert from day one, just like Addie. But unlike his big sister, Brad is a super smiley little guy! He has the biggest, sweetest gummy smile that lights up his whole face - it is the greatest thing! He's also very chatty, and makes the sweetest gurgles and coos at us all the time and I'm pretty sure he's about THIS close to laughing! He's generally a very happy and easy-going baby and we are very thankful for that!

As for Addison, she is back in school and totally thriving! The Montessori style is a perfect fit for our independent, routine-loving girl and I'm glad she is able to stay busy during the day while I snuggle her baby brother. She, like her brother, is very chatty and loves to talk our ears off all day, and she's still a big animal lover. She is so sweet to Bradley and still loves to rub his head and give him kisses. I'm so excited to watch them interact when he gets a little older!

So as for hurricane Florence... YES we decided to evacuate and YES it was crazy stressful. But both of the kids did so well with all of the madness and we were incredibly lucky. I'll go into all of the details in a separate post, but we had no damage to our home and we got to spend a great week in the mountains with some of our friends! 

Next up for the Beards: We are dangerously close to October which means all things FALL! I am so ready for all of the baking and soup making, and crossing my fingers for some cooler weather to go along with it. Bradley is growing like a weed and Addison is keeping us busier than ever, plus Mike has some exciting stuff coming up at work! We have TONS to be thankful for, and it's the perfect time of year to celebrate it all! Happy Sunday y'all! 

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