Weight: juuuust under 22 lbs.
Height: 29 inches.
Wearing: mostly 12 month clothes, some 18 month, and size 4 diapers but right on the verge of size 5's. Big girl!
Likes: Walking back and forth along the couch and in her crib, pulling up on the spout in the tub (and giving me a heart attack in the process), riding in the shopping cart, music and singing songs, Lou and the cats (as always), getting carried around and thrown in the air by daddy, getting raspberries on her belly.
Dislikes: Getting her hair done and having her mouth checked for new teeth.
Addie has been so picky lately! It's starting to get better, but for a couple of weeks she would only eat scrambled eggs, yogurt, and the occasional black bean. She still is pretty hesitant to try anything new, but she has recently figured out how to eat pouches on her own and she's obsessed! She looks SO big holding it by herself and slurping it all down! I can usually get her to eat 3 solid meals a day - we split scrambled eggs and a banana for breakfast, she eats a pouch and maybe some beans and cheese or peanut butter toast for lunch, and then a yogurt (we like Stonyfield YoBaby) mixed with veggie puree and a little bit of peanut butter for dinner. Other than that Addie is still nursing 4-5 times during the day and 1-2 times over night. This girl loves her milkies and I don't see us stopping any time soon! :)
Addie's sleep habits have improved SO much over the last month! She is still napping twice a day, usually taking a shorter nap in the morning and then a longer one in the early afternoon. She wakes for the day around 6:15 and goes to bed between 6 and 6:30, waking once or twice overnight.
Our girl has been non stop wild this month! She still doesn't crawl on all fours, but she uses her hands and one of her feet to scoot around on the floor and get into EVERY thing. She also started pulling up to stand and cruising along the furniture, so I'm pretty sure the only time she's still is when she's sleeping! Addie hasn't been quite as interested in her toys this month, but only because she would rather be playing with things she's not supposed to like the vertical blinds or the dog's water bowl ;) She's as obsessed as ever with Lou and the kitties and they are SO patient with her. She loves music and will "dance" any time she hears a beat she likes, and she especially loves if mommy and daddy sing silly songs to her accompanied by raspberries and extra kisses :) The tub is still her favorite place to be, so we signed her up for swimming classes and hopefully she'll love those too!
She's certainly not lacking in personality.. Look at that sassy finger! ;) |
I'm pretty sure that our tenth month with Addie has been my absolute favorite so far! Now that everybody is getting some decent sleep, life is goooood :) Plus, Addie's personality is bigger than ever! She waves hi and bye (most of the time) and lights up the room with her smile any time she gets any attention. She is a little chatter box and makes the sweetest little squeals and chuckles when she's happy, and growls and shrieks when she is excited! We've struggled a little bit with separation anxiety lately which is so sweet and so heartbreaking at the same time, and hopefully just a quick phase. I'm in some pretty serious denial that her birthday is only TWO MONTHS away, but I really want to go all out for her party so I need to snap out of it quick!
It's pretty much been business as usual for the Beards lately! Mike's training has him spending a lot of time in the classroom this month instead of the field, so we've been enjoying the extra time with him. Our countdown to May is officially on because we have SO much to look forward to that month! Mike will finally complete this training he's been in, our sweet baby will turn ONE, and we'll get to kick off what I think is going to be the best summer yet! My sister Camille is coming into town this weekend and it will be the first time she's even visited us out here! I'm definitely excited for her to see Addie, meet Lou, and experience all that lovely Jacksonville has to offer ;) But the real icing on the cake is that she'll be here to celebrate my birthday next Friday!
Happy hump day everybody! :)
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