Sunday, August 14, 2016

Addison Grace - 3 Months

Weight: 12.8 pounds (according to our *mostly* accurate home scale.. our pediatrician doesn't do a 3 month well visit!)
Length: 23.5 inches
Head Circumference: 40 cm
Wearing: 0-3 month clothing and size 2 diapers. She's starting to fit into some of her 3-6 month stuff though!
Likes: her daddy (he always gets the biggest smiles out of her, and any time she hears his voice she whips her head around to look at him!), anything that crinkles, chewing on her blankets & hands.
Dislikes: the car seat/being in the car, tummy time.


Addison is still exclusively breastfed and I'm actually pretty proud of that because it hasn't been the easiest journey. After being hit with a THIRD round of mastitis the same weekend my mother-in-law was in town, I was getting seriously frustrated with breastfeeding, but we powered through and it's been smooth(er) sailing ever since! Addison loves to eat and is starting to be much more efficient at it. We haven't offered her as many bottles lately, but that just means my freezer stash is growing ;) I still feed Addie on demand and typically she goes 2-3 hours between feedings during the day, and then cluster feeds like crazy before bed time, but that's fine by me as long as she keeps sleeping through the night! More on that next!

This chick LOVES her sleep lately! It's a complete (and very welcome) change that we've noticed in the last few weeks. Once we got the ok from her pediatrician to stop waking her over night to eat, I stopped setting alarms for every 4 hours and just followed her lead. The first night, she woke up at the 4 hour mark, but every night after that she slept for longer and longer and now she will typically go for at least 8 hours. Hallelujah!! During the day we follow a super flexible nap schedule, but she usually takes a short nap in the morning, a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon, and another short nap in the evening. I LOVE this schedule and I dread even thinking about the 4 month sleep regression. I know not all babies go through it (according to my mom, I did not) so my fingers are tightly crossed that Addie doesn't either because she is a little terror if she doesn't get enough sleep! ;)

Our girl is as busy as ever! She loves to "stand up" in our laps and her head control is awesome, but we're still working on getting through tummy time without a meltdown. Unless she's sleeping, Addie is ALWAYS moving. One of her favorite things is to lay in her Pack N Play and kick her legs as fast as she can. She's really starting to focus on things, mostly her hands but also her toes during diaper changes and a handful of different toys. One of her favorites is this little pink owl.. It's super soft and also has a mirror and it crinkles - she loves all things that crinkle! We pulled out the Bumbo just after she turned 11 weeks and she likes to sit in it (of course only for a few minutes at a time and always closely supervised by me or Mike). But when it comes right down to it her favorite thing is still being held up over one of our shoulders and checking out her surroundings! She's started babbling and cooing a lot more and sometimes will sit and talk back and forth with us which is probably the cutest thing ever! And lately we've noticed that any time she is eating or being held, she has a death grip on my shirt and occasionally my hair.

My big girl sitting up in her Bumbo!!
Our third month with miss Addison has been such a blast! She's really started to make the transition from newborn to baby, and she constantly amazes us with the new things she does. She's getting so good at imitating some of our sounds and faces, and I swear she is THIS CLOSE to laughing! She's finally starting to enjoy being worn in the Solly Wrap which makes my life so much easier if I have stuff to get done or errands to run. Wearing her with her legs out has made all the difference, and she loves to chew and suck on the straps until she falls asleep. I know there are a ton of big milestones coming up for her (laughing, rolling over, teething, etc.) and I'm so looking forward to seeing her grow, but I wish time would slow down juuuuust a little.

Not only does my baby turn a quarter of a year old today (WHAT?!), today is also the day that Mike checks into the highly anticipated training I've been talking about for the last couple of months. He's going to be working and traveling A LOT, and we're going to miss him like crazy, but this is such an important move he's making for his career and we're so excited for him to finally get started!

While he's busy with this training for the next 9 months, Addie and I are working on some ways to keep ourselves busy as well. I recently found out that The Little Gym has a location in Wilmington (about 45 minutes away from us) and they have a class for 4-10 month olds that I'm definitely planning on signing up for! All of my Jacksonville friends know that Wilmington is worth the drive, and I'll gladly take any excuse to spend some time down there. Especially since that means I can stop into Trader Joes or Costco wayyy more often! We also have some more family visits coming up and that's always something to look forward to!

Next up on the blog, I plan to share our third month must haves, and I also promise to try and remember to take more pictures and turn them into more blog posts! I think I'm finally starting to get a hang of the whole 'mom' thing, so hopefully I'll do a better job keeping up with this blog.. No promises though! ;)

Happy Sunday and happy three months to my sweet Addison!

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