Tuesday, June 21, 2016

First Month Must Haves

It's still so hard to believe that I've had this tiny human in my life for over a month now! Addison really is such a great and easy baby, but that doesn't mean we don't struggle at times. Taking care of a baby is hard work, y'all!

When I was pregnant I loved searching around on other blogs and on Pinterest for any mommy advice I could get my hands on! One of the things I loved (and still love) reading the most are recommendations and reviews of tried and true products that other moms swear by, so I thought I'd share some of the products that we've depended on so far!

Zipper Swaddles
Addison loooves to be swaddled but she's also a strong little peanut. Blankets alone weren't keeping her very well contained and she would wiggle her arms out and startle herself awake. Luckily I had some zipper swaddles on hand and they are seriously amazing. They keep her so snug and the zipper makes half-asleep diaper changes SO much easier! We've been using this and these.

My sweet girl all burrito'd up!

And she's all smiles when she wakes up!
Aden + Anais Muslin Blankets
These may just be my number one favorite baby item so far! They are so soft and stretchy and versatile.. I seriously take two of them wherever we go! They're perfect for a million and one things but so far they've mostly been used:

To wrap up Addie
As a make shift car seat cover when we're running errands
To wipe up a bottle of pumped milk that I spilled on the couch
To also wipe the tears I shed over spilling precious pumped milk

Rock N Play
So many moms SWEAR by this thing and now I know why. Addie sleeps in it every night next to our bed and since it's so lightweight, I carry it up and down the stairs with us all day so I can lay her in it while I shower, make food, etc. So convenient! This is the one we have, but there are SO many versions to choose from!

A+D Diaper Rash Cream
My poor girl has this diaper rash that we seriously have not been able to fully kick since she was like, a week old. The pediatrician took a quick look at it, somehow decided it was yeast related, and prescribed some nystatin cream. The rash didn't get any worse, but it also didn't get any better. At Addie's most recent appointment the nurse informed me that I needed to be layering something over the prescription cream and recommended A+D so I ran out and bought some and layered away but still didn't see any real improvement. Well, a few days later I was struck by some serious mom brain and completely forgot to use any prescription cream and only used the A+D and I noticed her rash starting to clear up! So I've ditched the nystatin, stuck with good ol' plain A+D every diaper change and my baby has a much happier little bum :)

Contigo Auto Spout 40 oz Water Bottle
Ok so this isn't a baby item, but it has been a life saver for me so far. Breastfeeding makes you SO thirsty, and usually I don't have time to get up and fill a glass of water every time Addie wants to eat, so I love that this bottle holds 40 ounces. The little auto spout top is absolutely perfect for when I need to throw the water bottle in the diaper bag or the bottom of the stroller, I know it won't spill and it also won't be covered in dog hair when I try to take a sip ;) Shout out to my sweet hubby for having two of these waiting for me when we got home from the hospital!

These items are all pretty basic, but in the beginning, babies are pretty basic! I know that as she gets older she'll start to need and want more, and I'm excited to watch her grow and to learn her likes and dislikes! :)

Me and my girl :)
Next up on the blog: I plan to share the unfortunate brush with mastitis I had last week. I'm feeling 100% better now, and good thing because I'm flying solo with Addison all week! Mike is in the field through Friday doing "cool guy stuff" (his words) so it's just me, my sweet girl, the fur babies, and LOTS of coffee until then! Wish me luck! ;)


  1. I love this! Pinning away on my Baby #3 board. Sorry Steve :)

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